Saturday, March 21, 2015

Just Another Walk! ;)

Yet another short trek, unexplored and unknown to most of the people: Nag Tibba

Location : Nag tibba, distt.- Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Distance from Mussoorie: 57 km
Trekking route altitudes : Min: 4590 ft. (at Pantwari)& amp; Max. 9915 ft.(Nag tibba top)

This was a dream destination I always wanted to visit :)

We were a group of 15 people started our journey from Dehradun by car to Pantwari village from where the trek began. Trek was of moderate difficulty- actually easy till camp site but moderate due to snow clad mountain trek the next day.

We started our trek at around 12.30 pm carrying our backpack with only essentials like warm clothes, raincoat, some energy drink, chocolate/ energy bars, camera (most important), etc.. Trust me- that too felt like a tons of weight after some time.
Trek was steep and continued so but easy to climb. We stopped at a nice meadow for lunch, took rest for 30-45 mins and again started the journey for the camp site.

The trek was muddy and steep, typical mountain trek but as we continued the view started to unfold and we could see the ranges of Lesser Himalayas.
The air became cooler and cooler as we hiked.. We reached to a small clearing and clicked some shots J
People generally camp here instead of Nag Tibba base which was 2 km further up. One can see the entire beautiful valley from this place.

The first site of Nag Tibba base was amazing as the place was covered in snow. Bright yellow camps were ready on white snow bed. We were served pakoras and tea and our trek leader briefed us for next day’s hike. We had our dinner by 8 pm, by then it was dark, chilli, windy and we were hell lot of tired, But just as we looked up at the sky all tiredness vanished.

Gazing up at the naked sky was one of my dreams come true. I could see all the constellations and actually started counting the stars which are numbered in a place like Delhi. We made plans to start our trek to the peak at 5.30 am so we could see sunrise from the peak; chit chat with bonfire and music went on and later we retired to our tents.
The night was not as peaceful as the sky depicted at first. Sleeping bags, jacket, sweater, sweat pants- nothing could stop the chill coming from snow bed below, then it started to rain- first slowly, then vigorously followed by hail. It went on for the entire night and early morning when it finally stopped at 9 am.

We started our trek again with our 5 layers of clothing plus raincoat which also worked as windshield.
We could see thick clouds all over Nag Tibba snow peak and were so determined to go into that dense white unknown as if walking on the vault of Heaven to experience hail and snowfall.

The entire journey to the peak was mesmerizing, I witnessed snowfall for the first was beautiful. Snowfall continued as we climbed ahead in knee length fresh snow. Its difficult to hike in hard snow-we were also given spikes for that but luckily the snow was fresh which made it easy to hike but still difficult than normal hiking because though the snow bed seems to be at the same level the ground beneath it might not be. Also if you have low BP (as I do), make sure you take some chocolate/ energy bars with you, I had that bar in a middle of nowhere waiting for 2 guys to join us as they missed the track and took wrong route.

It felt so blissful as we hiked..all I could see was pure white everywhere…I could not make out where the mountain ended and where the sky was as if walking on clouds Jand thousands of wind chimes ringing rhythmically as snowflakes touched the leaves of forest trees all around me.. As the sound of silence pursued we continued our journey ahead.

The best part of trekking in snow is that you’ll never have shortness of breath the entire time you are in snow and because of normal breathing you won’t feel tired.

Few of us who were a li’l slower than others were following the track left behind by them. Walking on those foot marks is easier than making new ones. One- it gives you a right direction, and second- when snow is knee length its better to slide your foot in the existing foot hole, this’ll give you good grip and lesser chances of slipping in snow. But make sure foot marks are going ‘towards’ the top and not coming from there ;) Usually hikers take different return route.

Our welcome was done with snow balls and the third world war began J
The view from top was breathtaking; I still wish we had more time to sit there.
One can see Himalayan range from the top- all snow clad mountains, given the weather is clear.
Don’t forgot to visit the Temple at Nag Tibba base J

One of my favorite treks now- Nag Tibba is gaining popularity amongst Delhiites because of its snowy weather at a short distance.
Make sure to pack water bottles, rain coat and a trekking pole- kindda important for steep and snow trek.

Happy Trekking J

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Some of my best travel expeditions are at times when I had no place to travel...!

I had 3 days with no plans...I grabbed a book and few dollars..and started my journey towards no-where..Trust me..its a beautiful place :)

I travelled in city rail from South to North Shore..took all ferry maps from circular quay and started exploring Sydney the Harbor Way!

The city gave me entire Ocean to explore….!

Without thinking or wasting a single second I sat in one of the ferries which was about to start. The Cruise was for Manly Island.. :)

Looking at the vast ocean from a side window while sitting in that Cruise with my book and a cappa coffee to accompany me, my journey began with a peaceful, beautiful sound of waves...

I skipped a beat at the first sight of Manly beach, it left me speechless...a greenish tint in water mesmerized me..

I still feel the same when I look at this first sight Pic...

I was shivering with cold as it started to drizzle but my spirits were too high for any cold...walking in rain has always been my favorite..

Manly is a very small island with a 3 km long beach...I walked almost the entire island and came back to where I started in not more than 3 hrs while picking some goodies :)

The most beautiful ferry ride was of Parramatta, a very serene river. It was awesome to get to know how the other side lives…on river side!

It was the longest ferry ride of all, and extremely alluring & peaceful..

Covered Manly Island, Watsons Bay, Mosman Bay, Neutral Bay, Milsons Point, Cockatoo Island, Sydney Olympic Park, Parramatta River in those 3 days..Covered almost entire Sydney on water...

I really did enjoy in Sydney city..its fantastic, rocking and maddening but the experience of wandering aimlessly in the Pacific was Divine!

Yes, they say that right: Not all those who wander are lost! :)

The journey that started beside a window with a book, ended with dancing on a deck with strangers as I headed back to my favorite Circular Quay.

I love to travel alone…love to wander and be lost..coz the journey back always brings with it a brand new experience, new faces, new friends, new souls, new places..and new Me!

I still keep re-discovering myself ;)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

From: Life Is Not Rocket Science By A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

"There is a larger energy and force that can crush our ambitions and plans in the blink of an eye, and that the only way to survive is to face your troubles and rebuild your life."

The Boat

Living on the island of Rameswaram while I was growing up, the sea was an important part of our lives. Its tides, the lapping of the waves, the sound of trains passing on the Pamban bridge, the birds that always circled the town and the salt in the air are sights and sounds that will always remain linked with my memories of childhood. Apart from its sheer presence around us, the sea was also a source of livelihood for our neighbours and us. Almost every household had some connection with the sea, whether as fishermen or as boat owners.
My father, too, operated a ferry that took people back and forth between the islands of Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi, which is about 22 kilometres away. I still remember the time when he got the idea for this, and how we built that boat.
Rameswaram has, since antiquity, been an important pilgrimage destination. Rama is believed to have stopped here and built the bridge to Lanka when he was on his way to rescue Sita. The temple of Rameswaram is dedicated to Shiva, and houses a lingam fashioned by Sita herself. Some versions of the Ramayana say that Rama, Lakshmana and Sita stopped here to pray to Shiva on their way back to Ayodhya from Lanka.
People visiting our town would go to Dhanushkodi as part of their pilgrimage. A bath at Sagara-Sangam here is considered sacred. The sangam is the meeting place of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. Dhanushkodi is now connected by road and vans take pilgrims there, but way back when I was a child, a ferry was also a good way of reaching the island.
My father, looking to supplement his not very substantial income, decided to start a ferry business. He started building the boat that we needed for this, all by himself initially, right there on the seashore.
Watching the boat come to life from pieces of wood and metal was perhaps my first introduction to the world of eng­ineering. Wood was procured and Ahmed Jalalluddin, a cousin, arrived to help my father out. Every day, I would wait impatiently till I could go to the place where the boat was taking shape. Long pieces of wood were cut into the required shape, dried, smoothened and then joined together. Wood- fires seasoned the wood that made up the hull and the bulkheads. Slowly the bottom, then the sides and the hull began to form in front of our eyes. Many years later, in my work, I would learn how to make rockets and missiles. Complex mathematics and scientific research would be the bedrock of those engineering marvels. But that boat coming up on a seashore, which would take pilgrims and fishermen back and forth...who is to say it was not as important or mom­entous in our lives then?

Illustrations by Priya Sebastian
The building of the boat was an imp­ortant influence for me in another way. It brought Ahmed Jalalluddin into my life. He was much older than me, yet we struck up a friendship. He recognised the inherent desire within me to learn and question, and was always there to lend a patient ear and give words of advice. He could read and write English, and spoke to me about scientists and inv­entions, literature and medicine. Walking with him in the streets of Rameswaram, or by the seaside, or by our boat as it took shape, my mind began to form ideas and ambitions.
My thoughts travelled again and again to the open seas. Was anyone trapped there? What was it like to be in a storm such as this...?
The boat business was a great success. My father emp­loyed some men to operate it, and groups of pilgrims would use the service to reach Dhanushkodi. There were days when I would slip in among the crowd and sit with the crew as they steered the boat to and from Rameswaram. I heard the story of Rama and how he built the bridge to Lanka with the help of his army of monkeys; how he bro­ught back Sita and stopped at Rameswaram again, so that they could perform penance for having killed Ravana; how Hanuman was told to bring back a large lingam from far up north, but when he took too long, Sita would not wait and fashioned a lingam with her own hands to worship Shiva. These stories and many others washed around me in different tongues and shapes, as people from all over India used our ferry service. A little boy among so many was always welcome and there would be someone or the other willing to talk to me, share the story of his life and his reasons for making the pilgrimage.

And so the years went by. My school, teachers, Ahmed Jalalluddin and others taught me so many things. But the boat and the people who sailed in it were no less important. In this way, among the waves and the sands, laughter and stories, the days flew by. Then one day, disaster struck.
The Bay of Bengal is hit frequently by cyclones. The months of November and May in particular are dangerous in this regard. I still remember the night of that terrible cyclone vividly. The wind had picked up speed for days, till it became a howling gale. It screamed and whistled in our ears and pulled and hacked at the trees or anything that stood in its way. Soon, a torrential rain started. We had retreated into our houses much earlier. There was no electricity in those days, and the lamps barely managed to stay alive. In that flickering darkness, with the wind working itself into a frenzy, the sound of the rain lashing down outside, we huddled together and waited for the night to pass. My thoughts travelled again and again to the open seas. Was anyone trapped there? What was it like to be in a storm such as this without your mother’s comforting presence close by?
The next morning, after the storm died down, we saw the unbelievable destruction that had been wrought all around us. Trees, houses, plantations were uprooted and devastated. The roads had disappeared under the water and debris blown in by winds that had come in at speeds of over 100 miles an hour. But the worst news of all was the one that hit us like a punch to the stomach. Our boat had been washed away. Now, when I think of that day, I realise that perhaps my father had known this would happen the night before, while we waited for the storm to pass. In his life he had already witnessed so many storms and cyclones. This was just one of them. Yet, he had tried to calm us children down and had made sure we went to sleep without infecting us with his worries. In the light of the morning, seeing his drawn face and the worries lining his eyes, I tried to gather my tho­ug­hts. In my mind I mourned our lost ferry boat fiercely. It felt as though something I had made with my own hands had been gathered up and tossed away thoughtlessly.

Illustrations by Priya Sebastian
Yet, my father’s stoicism is what saw us through this crisis too. In time ano­ther boat came, and business res­umed. Pilgrims and tourists returned. The temple and the mosque filled with worshippers and the markets bustled with men and women, buying and selling once more.
Cyclones and storms struck us again and again. I even learnt to sleep through them. Many years later, in 1964, when I was no longer living in Rameswaram, a massive cyclone struck. This time, it carried away a part of the landmass of Dhanushkodi. A train that was on Pamban Bridge at the time was washed away, with many pilgrims inside. It altered the geography of the area, and Dhanushkodi became a ghost town, never really recovering its former character. Even today, remnants of buildings stand there as monuments to the 1964 cyclone.
My father's stoicism is what saw us through this crisis too. In time another boat came, and business resumed. The pilgrims, tourists returned.
My father lost his ferry boat once more in that storm. He had to rebuild his business yet again. I could not do much to help him practically, for I was far removed from that world. But when I struggled to give shape to the satellite launch vehicle (SLV) rocket, or the Prithvi and Agni missiles, when countdowns and takeoffs were disrupted, and rain came down on our rocket launch sites situated by the sea in Thumba and Chandipur, I always rem­embered the look on my father’s face the day after the storm. It was an acknowledgement of the power of nature, of knowing what it means to live by the sea and make your living from it. Of knowing that there is a larger energy and force that can crush our ambitions and plans in the blink of an eye, and that the only way to survive is to face your troubles and rebuild your life.